Sunday, September 14, 2008

On Abortion

It's always a shame but I guess expected when debates concerning very complex issues, such as constitutions, get shaven down to their dumbest common denominator. Take, for instance, the Catholic Church's opposition to the constitution. The Chruch states that the constitution is "immoral" because it "legalizes abortion" and allows for marriage between individuals of the same sex. Let's examine the articles in question:

Art. 46. ... "El Estado reconoce y garantiza la vida, incluido el cuidado y la protección desde la concepción"

The state recognizes and guarantees life, including care and protection, from conception."

One blogger states that "the coma located after "life" is a trap that divides the article into two, which from a legal point of view means that the state will only give care and protection from the moment of conception. Protection and conception is one thing, GUARANTEE THE RIGHT TO LIFE IS ANOTHER." (my translation)


Now I am as much of a lover of punctuation as the next guy, but if you're willing to defend a position on the constitution based on the placement of a comma, you really have entered into grammar Nazi territory. I think it would be very difficult to find a case in the history of Ecuadorian law in which someone successfully argued that a misplaced comma allowed them to break the law. The weakness of these arguments demonstrates just how desperate some members of the opposition have become.

Second Article:

2.) All individuals have the right to decide when and how many children to have.

According to the church this is blasphemy. What is sad to me, as a Catholic, is how the Church is able to ignore all of the advances made for women in this document (alternate listing in elections, pay equality, freedom from discrimination, etc), in order to focus its energy on imposing a ridiculous interpretation on this otherwise straightforward article. But let's turn this argument around. Why shouldn't a woman have the right to decide how many children she should have? Why should a husband maintain the right to tell his wife that she is going to have five children and if she doesn't like it, well, she can get a divorce (oh wait, the Church doesn't like that option either). The church's declaration that this article will lead to wide-scale abortion is not only pathetic but intellectually dishonest. Surely they could have come up with some better arguments than to say that a woman's fundamental right to decide how many children to have is necessarily going to open the abortion floodgates.

All of this leads me to my next post, coming this week, in which I'll argue that the opposition is as much to blame for Correa's success as he is responsible for it. Trying to re-active Catholic's instincts to start witch hunts is an insult to our intelligence.

Download the full Spanish version of the Constitution here:


1 comment:

MCA said...

A converstion between Daniela and I on the topic.

Daniela Teran (A - C Central High School) wrote
at 3:49pm
"En la Constitucion actualmente vigente en el Ecuador, se establece con claridad, que "los niños y adolescentes gozaran de los derechos comunes al ser humano, ademas de los específicos des su edad. Es estado les asegurara y garantizara el derecho a la vida, desde su concepcion" (art.49). En contrapartida, el texto aprobado por los constituyentes, cuando habla en general respecto del derecho a la vida, elude expresamente la mencion del momento inicial, desde el cual comienza la proteccion; pues solo dice: "El Estado protege y garantizaeá el derecho a la inviolabilidad de la vida. No hay pena de muerte" (art.66, inc.1) A su vez, otro articulo prescribe que " Las niñas, los niños y adolescentes gozaran de los derechos comunes del ser humnao, además de los específicos de su edad. El Estado reconocerá y garantizara la vida, incluido el cuidado y protección desde la concepción" (art.45). Ambos teztos son parecidos, pero en la Constitución vigente se protege la vida desde la concepcion; en cambio. en el texto reformado solo tendran protección y cuidado desde la concepcion, pero no esta claro que se tutele su vida intrauterina. Para despejar la duda es preciso integrar el art. 45 con otros articulos aprobados en esta reforma. Veamos:
Sustituir un texto claro por uno ambiguo, en un tema tan trascendental, como es el inicio de la tutela legal de la vida humana, solo puede significar que los constituyentes actuales, han decidido relativizar la proteccion de la inviolabilidad de la vida, en el caso de las personas por nacer.

Daniela Teran (A - C Central High School) wrote
at 3:59pm
a. La proteccion y cuidado de los niños y adolescentes "desde la concepcion":
¿Como entonces se ha relativizado el derecho a la vida de las personas por nacer? Muy sencillo, al hacerlo depender del previo ejercicio de los derechos reproductivos de la madre. Si ella decide continuar con el emabarazo, se protege y cuida los niños desde la concepcion. Si la gestante decide terminar con su embarazo -al menos bajo los supuestos actuales de aborto no punible, e incluso con nuevos supuestos que pueda establecer una nueva ley penal-, se lo aborta.
Si se utilizan criterios hermeneuticos asepticos -es decir analizando objetivamente el lenguaje, al margen del contenido de las palabras-; que es la hermeneutica actualmente en boga; es preciso contraponer o, al menos intentar integrar el art.45 de la nueva Constitucion, con la genérica tutela de la vida de toda persona (art.66 inc.1), y los llamados "derechos reproductivos" de la madre. Esos derechos "reproductivos" estan contenidos en los arts. 43 inc. 3 ("El Estado garantizara a las mujeres embarazadas... la proteccion prioritaria y cuidado de su salud integral y de su vida durante el embarazo, parto y postparto"), y art.363, inc. 6 ("El estado sera responsable de:... 6.Asegurar acciones y servicios de salud sexual y de salud reproductiva, y garantizar la salud integral y la vida de las mujeres, en especial durante el embarazo, parto y postparto"). Ahora bien, si el Estado esta obligado a garantizar a todas las gestantes, su vida y su salud integral. que incluye la salud psiquica, que podria verse afectada emocionalmete por un embarazo inesperado-; tenemos que la hermeneutica de todas las normas citadas, conrealcion a la tutela de la vida de la persona por nacer, seria la siguiente:
a. En genereal se les protege la vida.
b. Una mujer cuyo embarazo pone en peligro su salud física o psíquica, tendría el derecho a abortar, y el Estado estaria obligado a hacerse cargo de los gastos que demande.

Daniela Teran (A - C Central High School) wrote
at 4:04pm
c. En consecuencia, se tutelan desde la concepcion todos los derechos -incluida su vida-, de auqellos seres humanos cuyas madres han resuelto continuar con la gestacion. De lo contrario, se plantearia un "conflicto de derechos" entre la madre y el hijo, y deberia primar el derecho materno; al menos en los casos en que su vida o salud fisica o psiquica esten amenazados por el embarazo. La experiencia española demuestra que la aceptacion de la salud psiquica como indicacion para el aborto, implica su legalizacion absoluta, pues basta la peticion de la mujer encinta y fraguar un certificado medico, para que dicho aborto sea "legal". Obviamente, no compartimos esta interpretación, porque no aceptamos una interpretación aseptica del derecho" Consejo Ecuatoriano de Laicos Católicos

Daniela Teran (A - C Central High School) wrote
at 4:06pm
Matthew esa fue la opinion de la Iglesia Catolica en Ecuador, si quiere la mia... es casi igual a esta... en este y muchos otros puntos que tengan o no que ver con la religion solo no nos podemos dar el lujo de que existan ambiguedades... tu has estado aqui y sabes mas o menos como son las cosas... si una ley bien puesta no funciona peor una que da paso a interpretaciones subjetivas... si kieren que el aborto sea legal tiene que decir que es legal... si no kieren q sea asi tiene q decir no es legal y punto... un beso!

at 6:24pm
Daniela, thanks for your many responses! Let me see if I can summarize my point.

1.) Is the new article in this constitution weaker than the previous constitution? Yes, absolutely. The President said from the beginning that he felt that abortion (which he opposes) should be an issue relegated to the country's laws and not to the country's constitution. I agree with him. For example, I feel strongly that people should not drink and drive since it represents a threat to innocent life. Nevertheless, I don't think it needs its own section in the constitution.

2.) The talk of abortion is a distraction from the real issues. How many people who have decided to vote no due to the issue of abortion have actually read the entire document? What about all of the rights guaranteed to women and indigenous peoples? What about the guarantees to protect Ecuador's fragile eco-system? Sure, the constitution's position on abortion could be manipulated, but is it so dire that we need to ignore the remainder of the document?
3.) The Church has overstepped its boundaries in pronouncing on this issue. The church historically has to be dragged through change. The church debated for 200 years whether or not blacks and indigenous Americans where actually "human". The church embraces divorce and secular government reluctantly. The Church continues to insist that homosexuality is a product of "sin" and "psychological disorders," despite all scientific evidence to the contrary. As is clear, the church is very good at embodying and promoting doctrine but not very good at considering how Jesus' actions and words would dictate how we as Christians should react to different situations. As such, I think the church is not a very reliable source of relevant information with regards to the constitution.

For these three reasons I feel that abortion is really the issue we should be focusing on.

Thanks again for your post!